Parents are encouraged to work with Wakefield School staff in assisting to develop plans with their child. It is important that the staff and family work as a team toward mutually developed goals that all parties have accepted and are willing to work towards.
Consultation with parents within the framework of the school requires that once the initial plans are developed, the role of liaison with the student's home is important. The teaching staff provide feedback to parents regarding the progress being made by the student at school. Wakefield School may provide written daily behavioural reports to parents through individual ‘Communication Books. It is vital that the communication book is read and signed each day by the parent / carer when brought home.
Parent/caregivers are vital to the success of the Wakefield School's programs. Wakefield School invites input through daily phone contact and encourages parental involvement at all times. If a student is late, please phone the school and let us know. If a student is absent the school will ring to check that the student is not truanting.
Parents are also encouraged to volunteer their skills or time to assist with elective and other activities at the school if they wish to or are able. Volunteer work requires a police and criminal record check for the purposes of Child Protection Legislation. Whilst you are welcome at any time to visit or drop in, if you would like a scheduled meeting over any issue or concern please phone for an appointment so that we can give you the time you need.
Each year during education Week, the school holds an "Open Day" where families are invited to visit the school, view students work, take part in fun activities, talk with staff and enjoy a free lunch.